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Shaker Credit Report
Transcribed by Bruce R. Tucker of the Alfred Historical Committee Lawyer Samuel Came did local work for the R.G.Dunn collection agency...
Samuel Wormwood’s Travail
By Bruce R. Tucker, Alfred Historical Society The summer of 1812 found Samuel Wormwood, joiner, of Alfred with little to do. Samuel was...
That Noble Threshing Machine
by Bruce R. Tucker of the Alfred Historical Committee Seldom, when we grab a bag of flour or loaf of bread off the supermarket shelf, do...
Griffin's Family
by Bruce R. Tucker of the Alfred Historical Committee Local legend says that Eliphalet Griffin, local blacksmith, was hastening to...
Alfred's First Family: The Coffins
By Bruce Tucker, Alfred Historical Society The fall of Quebec in 1759 signaled the end of France’s domination in Canada and a cessation...
I Hear the Trains a-Coming
By Bruce R. Tucker, Alfred Historical Society The arrival of the railroad in Alfred was an eagerly awaited event. There were few things a...
Alfred’s Bank
By Bruce R. Tucker, Alfred Historical Society At the close of the 18th century, Alfred began to feel growing pains. It had evolved from a...
Drafting Soldiers is all the Talk
By Bruce R. Tucker, Alfred Historical Society The spring of 1862 arrived as all springs do in Alfred, eagerly anticipated and full of...
THE FLU IN ALFRED 1918 & 1919
by Bruce R. Tucker, Oct. 2020 The Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the battlefields of WWI. Only 3% of...
Depending on the severity of the storm predicted for Saturday, 9/16, the Library may be closed.
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